How To Choose The Blogging Niche For Your Blog (In 2019)
This article was originally published here.
So you want to start a Blog?
And, you want to become a successful Blogger, don’t ya?
But before you move forward to becoming a successful blogger, consider the following two famous quotes:
The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential — these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.
— Confucius
You are not here merely to make a living, but to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.
— Woodrow Wilson
You badly need to have the will to win, the desire to succeed, and the urge to reach your full potential to become successful as a blogger.
Due to lack of these three things, most of the bloggers quit just after trying their luck for a couple of months.
The original idea of blogging is satisfying the needs of your audience, and not merely to make a living.
You solve the problems of your readers through your blog.
You provide them with relevant information.
So, choosing the right niche is the most crucial part of starting a Blog.
The Blog Niche helps you to focus your content on the needs of your audience.
In this article, you’ll learn a few tips on choosing the right Blog Niche that can generate traffic and help you grow and monetize your Blog.
What Is A Niche Blogging, Anyway?
Wikipedia defines it as,
Niche Blogging is the act of creating a blog with the intent of using it to market to a particular niche market. Niche Blog (also commonly referred to as “Niche Websites”) may appeal to “geographic areas, a specialty industry, ethnic or age groups, or any other particular group of people”.
The Niche of your blog is the topic of your blog — the topic your blog focuses on.
And that topic is the specialized section of the broader topic. The aim is to solve the problem of your target audience.
For example, “Soccer” and “Tennis” are the niches within the broad topic “Sports”.
And, if you get more specific, you can call “National Football League” and “Wimbledon Championships” niches.
In Niche Blogging, you are not blogging for “Soccer” or “Tennis” fans. They’re broad audiences. You are blogging for “NFL fans” and “Wimbledon championship fans”. They’re niche audiences.
Let’s take another example,
Mobile Phones, Laptops, Personal Computers, Tabs, Cameras, etc. are the niches falling under the broader topic “Technology”.
Getting even more specific, Android Phones and iPhones will be the niches for the general category “Mobile Phones”.
In Niche Blogging, you can blog about Mobile Phones, Android Phones, or iPhones.
Why Do You Need A Blog Niche?
You write a blog to solve your readers’ problems. And that’s what people search the internet for — to solve a problem.
When a reader comes to your blog and doesn’t find the answer or information he is looking for, how can you expect him to engage with the content of your blog?
And that’s why Niche Blogging is so popular.
Having a Niche is very important to attract an avid readership. You can then easily turn those readers into customers.
Without a Niche, you won’t have a strong voice and your blog can’t grow the way you want.
When you blog on a specific topic and your blog contains a lot of content on that topic, the readers, as well as Search Engines, will start treating you as an expert on that topic. This helps your blog rank higher in Search Results.
For instance, the topic “Cricket” is too big and broad. So, it’s difficult to become an expert on this topic.
But it would be a lot easier for you to become an expert on the topic “Cricket tips for beginners” — a Niche for the topic “Cricket”.
Niche Blogging also helps you get a loyal audience.
In Niche Blogging you stick to one topic. Your readers will keep coming back to your blog in the hope that they will get more and more relevant information on that topic.
How To Brainstorm The Topic?
Following steps will help you brainstorm the Niche ideas list:
Step #1: Make a list of your Passions
Start by making a list of all the things you’re passionate about.
What are those things?
The things you enjoy or would love to do every day.
Step #2: Make a list of the topics you think you’re an expert on
Are there some areas of your expertise?
Are there some topics on which you think you’re an expert or are very knowledgeable in?
Try to list all such areas on a sheet of paper.
Step #3: Make a note of your target audience
After making a list of potential niches, you have to make a note of the ideal audience for those topics.
You should choose the topic keeping in mind the age, gender, profession, income range, etc. of your audience.
Your Blog Post is for your audience.
And if it doesn’t solve their problems or give value to them, it may fall flat.
Now that you have brainstormed the topic and have a list of potential blog niche ideas, what to do next?
Now is the time to validate those ideas to finalize the best one for your blog.
But before finalizing the Niche for your blog, you have to make sure that it strikes a balance between the following three factors:
- Your Passion/Interest about the topic,
- The interest of other people about that topic, and
- Its Profitability i.e., whether or not you can monetize the blog.
- If you choose a topic of your interest but others are not interested in that topic, you are never going to get good traffic for your blog or make money.
- If you go with a topic of others’ interest but you are not passionate about that topic, very soon you’ll lose interest in blogging and eventually quit.
- You pick a topic that you’re passionate about and others also like it and has a huge audience, but there’s no scope for earning money.
In that case, chances are that you might become popular, but you won’t be able to earn income if that is your goal.
So, How to Choose A Blog Niche That Fulfills All The Three Criteria?
Here are the 5 important points you need to consider to choose the Niche for your Blog:
# Your Passion/Interest
Your Passion/Interest comes first.
It’s the first and foremost thing you should consider while finalizing the Niche for your Blog.
If you are not passionate about the topic you can’t continue with it for long.
Chances are that very soon you may find it boring and quit the idea of blogging.
Blogging is a slow process. It takes years to become a famous blogger and earn good money with your blog.
Why is your interest important for choosing a Blog Niche?
To answer this question, just ask yourself one simple question.
How can you spend important years of your life talking about something that you are not passionate about?
Think about it.
So, how to pick a topic of your interest to blog about?
It could be about your hobby, your work, or the things you enjoy doing.
Just follow your heart and ask yourself:
- What are your hobbies?
- What are the things you love doing?
- How do you spend your free time?
- What topics do you love reading and learning about the most?
- What can you talk about for hours on end?
These questions may help you identify your passion.
The main purpose of your blog is to help your audience solve their problems.
You also need to be passionate about helping your audience.
# Your Knowledge Or Expertise On The Topic
To have expertise on a topic is necessary to build credibility in it.
For example, how can you give writing tips if you don’t have a knack for writing?
Here are some questions to guide you:
- Is there any topic you have mastery in?
- Can you teach your readers something better than others?
- What do you have a lot of experience doing?
Answering these questions may help you identify your main areas of expertise.
Remember: You don’t need to be the best of the best in your niche.
Just teach what you know. That’s all.
Share your knowledge, your experience, and your journey.
And, don’t act hastily.
Take your time and think about it honestly over a few days.
And then choose a topic so that if you write content on that topic, it could give more value to your readers.
# The Competition
If there’s a competition, it’s a good sign.
Because it shows that there’s a market for it and people are talking about your niche.
On the other hand, if there’s no competition, it means the market for that niche is dead.
Make sure that there’s a balance between your interest, the popular trend, and the level of competition.
So, how to analyze your competition?
Knowing competitors in your niche helps you get all the information to understand every aspect of marketing. This may also help your site to get to the top page of the Search Results.
Just do some searches on Google for the keywords around your topic. This will give you some idea of the size of the competition.
You can also use some other tools to analyze the competition:
With the help of this tool, you can check your competitor’s backlinks, keywords, and other website stats.
This is one of the best tools to spy on your competitors. This tool has a module which shows how many competing sites there are and how strong they are without that niche. You’ll get to learn what exactly should be the level of your blog in order to compete with them.
This may be very helpful in identifying the trends occurring within your niche.
You may be able to find out the keywords your competitors rank for. Backlinks and SEO page audits are also available. You may also be able to see the average monthly volume of searches for your niche.
Just take 5–10 top blogs and try to get the following information:
- What is the quality of the content of their articles?
- What are the articles that get more comments and social shares?
- Is there anything they are doing poorly? Can you better them?
- Is anything missing in their content? Have they skipped some important topic?
- Are they consistent with posting new articles? The frequency of their posting.
These questions may help you understand your competitors very thoroughly.
You’ll be able to choose a great niche and write quality content on that topic.
# The Popularity Of Your Niche
You don’t need to go for the most popular topic. Such topics will have a lot of competition.
Also, choosing a topic that is too narrow will have a limited audience. Your blog can’t get traffic beyond a certain limit. And with a too narrow topic, you may not have so many ideas to generate new content.
So what should be the strategy?
You guessed it right — Middle Path!
Adopt a middle path and choose a topic that is neither too popular nor too narrow.
Make sure that there’s a balance between the level of competition and the popularity trends.
For this purpose, you can use the free and easy to use tool Google Trends.
Just do some searches on Google Trends for the keywords targeting your niche. This will show you the trend over a few years whether the topic you are going to choose is growing or shrinking. You can also compare it to other topics.
# Profitability
So, you are ready with a niche topic you’re passionate about, knowledgeable in, and that’s neither too broad nor too narrow.
What next?
Many people start blogging as a hobby and don’t want to monetize their blog.
But if your goal is to earn some income from your blog, then you need to make sure that your niche topic is profitable enough to monetize your blog.
So, how can you check if your Blog Niche is profitable?
Following are the two important ways to be sure whether your Blog Niche is profitable enough:
- Google Ads
Just do a Google Search for your topic or keywords.
Do you see ads at the top of the Search Results for your keywords?
If yes, then you’ve picked the right niche.
If people are spending money to advertise products targeting your niche, they’re making money in that niche/keywords.
This means there’s a potential for you too to make money.
- Affiliate Products
Selling Affiliate products on your blog could be a better and more profitable approach.
You can join Amazon Affiliate Program to promote its products. There are also other Affiliate Networks such as Commission Junction, ClickBank, ShareASale, etc. which you can check out to see if they have any products targeting your niche.
All you need to do is attract and convince the potential customers of the value of the products. If they end up buying the products or services, you can earn a commission.
35 Best Blog Niche Ideas:
Here are 35 best Blog Niche ideas to help you get started…
But keep in mind that these are the broad niches. There could be hundreds of sub-niches within each one.
- How to make money online
- Health and Fitness
- Beauty and Fashion
- Lifestyle
- Parenting
- Travel
- Yoga
- Photography
- Personal Development
- Cooking Tips
- Real Estate
- Education
- Career Advice
- Sports
- Cryptocurrency
- Cars and Bikes
- Artificial Intelligence
- WordPress
- Sewing/Knitting
- Digital Marketing
- Entertainment
- Entrepreneurship
- Politics
- Product Reviews
- Tech and Gaming
- Animals
- Relationships
- Home and Decor
- Wedding Blogs
- Language Learning Tips
- Writing Style
- Pregnancy
- Gardening
- Freelancing
So, you’re all set to start a Niche-specific Blogging.
But don’t do it without a plan.
Never make the mistake of going too broad or too narrow.
If your Blog Niche is too broad, you’ll never find your target audience.
And if you pick a too narrow topic with no demand, you’ll struggle to get traffic and your blog will barely make an impact.
Time to Act, my friend!
Choose a niche keeping in mind all the above criteria.
And keep posting exceptional content.
Just get started and let’s end this post with a very famous quote by Mark Twain,
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.